Twenty One Pilots are back again with their third single ‘Levitate’ and I must say, the boys are setting high expectations for their soon to be released album Trench.
Twenty One Pilots took a year long hiatus and have since released three songs, "Jumpsuit", "Nico and the Niners", and now "Levitate". Twenty One Pilots seem to be getting more comfortable with their sound and have been taking risks with their sound for this new album and the fans are living for it.
"Nico and the Niners" and "Jumpsuit" follow the old Twenty One Pilots music style but have a different feel to them, meanwhile, "Levitate" has a new style, with a complete rap all the way through and could have been a big risk for the band but the feedback has been amazing with comments. Atomize_ DesignerLV said, “Twenty one pilots huh they were good before but ..... Now there better than ever for a fact”. Logan Randall said, “I reckon this will be my favourite album by them, based on the singles so far”. It’s Not A Bad Dick said, “Okay but tøp made my weave fall off for the third time in a month just now. When the album drops imma be bald”. Lastly, Brandon Baker said “They made a huge change in their songs and I love it and also this song.”. (Comments from the Levitate music video) The fans are very supportive of the band and are looking forward for the new album!
As I was scrolling through the comments someone posed a comment that I believe should be talked about in this article, Trish Citterman said “Yellow is the colour often used to represent suicide prevention awareness. It would be very fitting, if that is the intention, here..”, and if that is the intention, to show suicide awareness and to help fans and each other, then I fully support it. It’s a wonderful idea to get people to realise there is help out there for anyone who needs it. I will leave links and phone numbers below for suicide awareness and suicide prevention.
The lyrics in all of Twenty One Pilots’ music are meaningful but something about the lyrics in "Levitate" drag me in and make me want to find out what the song is about. Tyler raps the song with so much passion and emotion in his voice that it’s unreal and Josh drums along with a passion and it seems to be a meaningful song for the both of them. The lyrics are just powerful and I suggest you read them when you have the time and take some time to think about the meaning behind them, after all, every song has a different meaning but its up to us to decide what it means to us. I believe that Twenty One Pilots have a bigger meaning behind all their lyrics, a deeper meaning than we all think but they are waiting for us to find out the meaning behind them.
If you guys haven’t already, please go and check out Twenty One Pilots and send them some love and preorder their album Trench out October 5th.
Suicide Prevention lines
US – 1-800-273-8255
International - 702 743 4340
UK – 0800 1111