Punk artist Palmyra Delran is tearing it up in her newest single "I Thought You Said You Were Gonna Kill Yourself" off her upcoming album Come Spy With Me, which is set to release on November 9th. Palmyra started her solo career in 2008, after some time with Pink Slip Daddy and co-founding The Friggs. She has shared stage with legends like The Ramones and Cheap Tricks, and even making music for movies like Superbad and Jawbreaker. So, she's been around making killer, classic music for quite some time.
She brings back classic punk sounds. She reminds me of other punk artists such as Green Day or Blink-182. She has that angsty, yet fun lyrics and sound. Her vocals are sort of whiny (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for), but not in a bad way. More in a punk rock way, where it's actually fitting to the music and not annoying. It's throws me back to the 2000s, when punk and pop-punk were at it's peak. She also has a 90s punk vibe as well. When I hear her music, I think of the stereotypical punk person, with the leather, spiked jacket and ripped jeans, with the combat boots. This song definitely pulls at my imagination and makes me feel nostalgic. The instrumentals are reminiscent of typical punk as well, also sounding almost beachy. It has a summer time fun vibe mixed with punk. I'm honestly digging this single. I look forward to hearing more of the album and more from her in the future. I can see her climbing the charts and being a big punk artist in the future. Definitely check her music out and send her some love!