Emarosa released their fifth studio album Peach Club on Friday, February 8th through Hopeless Records. Bradley Walden (vocals), ER White(guitar), Matthew Marcellus (guitar), and Robert Joffred (bass) make up Emarosa. This now pop rock band decided to change it up with their new record. Not wanting to produce the same sound from album to album, Emarosa took a chance and switched up their sound to more pop rock. Of course, people were initially not happy with this decision, claiming the band is “too pop” and that the sound has changed too much. Shame on them for growing right? Wrong. If the band is happy with their sound and their new direction, who cares? Change is good, it's not some scary and bad thing. I for one, absolutely love the new album.
The album opens up with “Givin’ Up”, one of the four singles released in preparation of the album. "Givin' Up" is absolutely stunning with its killer sax solo. The song sets the album up with the high energy pop sound and gives us a general sense of where the album is going. I think "Givin' Up" is the perfect introduction to the new sound. What made me fall in love with this band was seeing them live with Pierce the Veil and hearing Walden's soothing, soulful voice. While the instrumentals have changed to better suit their new pop rock direction, the emotion and passion in his voice is still there. I think this is best showcased in "Get Back Up". Walden told DuJour the story behind this song. It is a tribute to his mom, who despite the many trials and pushdowns, she always got back up and persevered. This song is emotional and something I relate to as well. It's sort of like an anthem for those who are knocked down constantly but come back up swinging and stronger than before. I love it. I love the high energy of the song, the meaning, the vocals, the drums, everything. This song is fantastic.
I think two of my personal favorites are "Cautious" and "xo". "Cautious is another one of the singles released and I think it is another perfect example of their new sound. It is upbeat and fun to listen to. Walden had said his inspiration was old 80's/90's pop and R&B for the whole album, and I think you can definitely hear that in this song. It sounds like a fun song you would hear while watching one of those 90's work out videos. I love it, I hope to hear that song live someday, as I am sure it is something to get the crowd moving. The other favorite of mine is "xo". I am an absolute sucker for acoustic songs. There is a calmness to the song and to the vocals while remaining passionate and emotional. I love acoustics because I feel like we hear more raw emotion, and I get that sense with this stunning song. Songs like these typically are not fan favorites, but I absolutely love it. Great job on enticing me and making me fall even more in love with the sound of Emarosa.
The album closes out with "Wait, Stay". A contrast to the opener, "Wait, Stay" has a calmer, more relaxed sound. This song is not the same poppy sound as the opener, however; when the `song ends, I get a sense of completion. I feel like the album wraps up nicely, with a calming sense of "oh yes, this is Emarosa". It's like the album asking you to wait, stay, this is the new sound and I'm sure you'll love it. I get a sense of where Emarosa intends to go with future music and it makes me feel good inside. I get a sense that the members are happy with what they are doing and it warms my heart. I honestly can't wait until their next album already. I'm excited to see where they go. They did a fantastic job on this album. Below are some links to their socials. Leave them some love and give Peach Club a listen!