Alternative pop trio Drive! Drive! recently dropped their latest EP Love/Hate. The band consists of Alex Johnson, Philip DeLuca, and Gavin Hurtburt. I fell in love with this EP after my very first listen. Featuring 80’s-esque synth and classic indie pop beats/vocals, every song on this release is bright, fun, and danceable.
My two favorite songs on this EP are “Love to Hate You” and “No Good”. Both are catchy rhythmically and vocally, and the layered beats/instruments create complex, interesting songs. I love every song on this EP, but these two stuck with me the most after listening.
“Love to Hate You” has a great build from the verse into the chorus. Once the chorus breaks in, it’s bound to get stuck in your head. I’m assuming this song is where the title comes from, and the lyrics hold a story that most people can relate to: loving someone who is unpredictable. I really love the feeling this song creates.
“No Good” is also a vibrant, catchy song, but also speaks a lot of truth. Musically, my favorite thing about this song is the synths and layered vocals. This song gave me a lot of 80’s vibes. The lyrics talk about the struggle of not having a “real” job, and people around you underestimating your worth. This is another topic that many people can relate to, especially those who also work in the music industry, or other areas in the arts.
Overall, I think this is a great EP, and is has everything a great pop album needs. It’s catchy and danceable, but also has a message that can resonate with listeners. This is a band that I’d love to see live, because I can tell by listening to this EP that they’d put on a fun show. Be sure to check out Drive! Drive! on their social media and stream their music with the links below.