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Jake Lawless: Song/Artist of the Week

Week of July 17th, 2023

Artist of the Week: Jake Lawless

Jake Lawless is an Indiana-based multi-genre and multi-instrumental musician. His album KittieBaby dropped on June 30th, 2023. A proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, he fronts queer metal band Blastcap. Jake’s past associated bands include DollBody Kid, The Alliance, The Last Chance Boyz, SPERM OF THE GODZ, The Ungrateful Sons, Brolita, Pink Thunderhead, and The Outspiders. Though recording solo music since 2008, he only recently began releasing songs and albums to major streaming platforms due to creator’s anxiety. Now sharing his music unabashedly, both of Jake’s 2023 albums UR2EVIL and KittieBaby are available to stream, and a third album is in the works as well.

Song of the Week: Baby Was A Pub Cat- Jake Lawless

Jake’s latest album KittieBaby is inspired by and dedicated to his fantastic feline of the same name. KittieBaby was present for the entire recording process in Jake's home studio. She even appears on the title’s hidden track “Purr.” The album’s sounds and synths were tailored specifically to KittieBaby, using her ear twitches as indicators of what interested her. “Baby Was A Pub Cat” is a wholesome, charming, ambient soundscape.

Keep up with Jake Lawless:

Stream KittieBaby:


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